MAD 20 Exclusive: Red Linings Playbook
Visit for the sneak peek
It’s another exclusive look into MAD‘s “20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2013”, this one courtesy of! Visit their website for a closer look at Dumb Thing #15: Obama’s backpedaling after his tough talk on if Syria starting trotting out chemical weapons, which of course they did. Also on the post is a long, thoughtful, and intelligently written post about the poignancy and cleverness of this parody of the film “Silver Linings Playbook”… which entirely misses the fact that this is not a parody of that movie at all but a political commentary that used the movie’s poster to make fun of an entirely unrelated subject. On the plus side, it’s probably the smartest commentary I’ve ever read about MAD, which is a little like Stephen Hawking writing a thesis calculating the number of joules released during an average Miley Cyrus twerking episode. Enjoy.
MAD #525 featuring the “20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2013” is on news stands December 17th… I just got my iPad digital copy yesterday!
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“Obama‚Äö√Ñ√¥s backpedaling after his tough talk on if Syria starting trotting out chemical weapons, which of course they did”
They only started backpeddling because it was exposed as being a false flag.
“Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s former chief advisor, says his intelligence sources have informed him that the Ghouta gas attack was an Israeli false flag.”
Ron Paul also endorsed this position. You can even find on youtube videos of Syrian rebels (=al qaeda) firing sarin gas canisters from a modified cannon.