Richmond Illustration Inc.
MAD #547 Sneak Peek #1
August 1st, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Here’s the spot illustration I did for the Fundalini Section of the latest MAD. You’ll just have to go out and buy the fershlugginer magazine if you want to know the context, cheapskate.
Since I did this art, Sean Spicer resigned and Anthony Scaramucci was hired and fired. Who knows, by the time this gets posted online Sarah Huckabee Sanders will go missing and Scott Baio will be the new White House Press Secretary…
… actually in today’s West Wing Circus, that’s more of a reasonable prediction than an absurdity. Absurdity has been cancelled until further notice.
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Better late than never. Very good Spicer. Maybe you will have another opportunity if the Dancing with the Stars rumor puts him in the spotlight again. In the Strib today, Steve Sack comments on the frustration of trying to finish a cartoon before the revolving white house door changes things every few hours. You might want to prepare a pre-emptive drawing of future Vice President Geraldo Rivera.
Is that Maggie Haberman and Jim Acosta? Great picks!
Yes! Good eye.