Richmond Illustration Inc.
MAD #549 Sneak Peek
December 1st, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
The Huffington Post released an exclusive sneak peek at MAD #549 yesterday, including a look at one of the two pieces I did for the issue (see above). This is the annual “20 Dumbest People, Events, and Things” of the year issue. I did one other “20 Dumbest” piece as well, I’ll post a peek at that once the issue hits the stands Dec12th. By the way, that HuffPo exclusive also showed the cover of MAD #549 (art by Mark Fredrickson). Click the link above to check that out!
Incidentally this is the second to last issue for the NYC staff. I’m currently wrapping up my final job for them… a TV show parody. More on that when MAD #550, the last issue of MAD produced in New York City, hits the stands.
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Will MAD ever publish a “TWIN PEAKS” parody?
Good question. Unfortunately I don’t know the answer any more than you do. They will if they ever do, I guess.
Great Dumbest art. Also, regarding wrapping up a TV show parody tease. Without any specifics, can you broadly put it in any of these 3 categories – Drama?, reality?, sitcom?. ( I can hear the answer coming – “yes”.).
Just saw a photo of Sarah Huckabee Sanders making a not happy face and thought if ever there was a face screaming for Tom to immortalize lady you have just made it.….just saying.