MAD about MADison Mag!

Madison Magazine, a publication for and about the capitol city of Wisconsin, did a MAD Magazine tribute issue last month that featured a bunch of MAD-like art, including work from two authentic members of the Usual Gang if Idiots. The Cover was done by MAD’s most prolific cover artist, Mark Fredrickson. I did an illustration of local Madison resident Wendy Gaines-Bucci, who happens to be the daughter of MAD founder and publisher William M. Gaines. There is a story about Wendy in the issue.
The issue also contains a couple of MAD tribute pieces, including a parody format comic by Dan E. Burr, a series of faux covers by Madison native Tommy Walsh, a caricature of magazine Columnist John Roach by Daniel “Sawblade” Shaw and some gag spots by Nicole Pierce. Here’s an online article they did about the art in the issue.
The magazine correctly credits me as a former resident of La Crosse, Wisconsin. What I forgot to tell them is I actually lived in Madison itself as well in a couple of different places as a kid, including suburb Oregon, and attended several different elementary schools there. Small world.
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Where can we get a copy?
no idea. I don’t even have one. If you find out let me know!
Information on retail locations and back issues is here:
Mr. Richmond, thanks for the shoutout! I’m the editor at Madison Magazine who coordinated the MAD parody/tribute.
You can page through the feature here:
And you can read the profile of Wendy Bucci here: