MAD About Omaha
An Invasion of Idiots is about to hit Omaha, Nebraska… The Usual Gang of Idiots that is.
I’ll be joining longtime MAD artist and current VP of Art & Design (a fancy title for “Head Art Director”) Sam Viviano and longtime MAD writer Desmond Devlin, along with REALLY longtime MAD writer Dick Debartolo (via video) for a presentation and panel discussion on the storytelling aspects of MAD Magazine. It all happens at the Kaneko Building 1111 Jones St. in Omaha tomorrow, Friday Aug 12th, at 7:00 pm. Here’s the low (and I mean VERY low) down:
KANEKO will host MAD About Storytelling, a discussion panel with the creative talents behind the long running MAD Magazine, on August 12 at 7 p.m.
Tickets are $10 for General Admission and FREE for KANEKO Members. Register by clicking the “Register Now” button above. Members use the “Promotional Code” box to enter the number on the back of your membership card and redeem your free admission.
In circulation for over half a century, and revered as one of the most influential forms of satire and humor in American popular culture, MAD Magazine has a tradition of their own form of storytelling. Join us for a lively and entertaining discussion panel with Sam Viviano (Art Director), Desmond Devlin (Writer), and Tom Richmond (Illustrator).
MAD about Storytelling is a part of the Storytelling season at KANEKO June 3 – August 27. Learn more about the Storytelling exhibition and programs HERE.
Hijinks certainly to ensue. Click here if you want to register to attend or for more info.
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