MAD About Spy vs Spy Sundays!
Betcha didn’t know that back in 2002 MAD produced a Sunday only comic strip version of Spy vs. Spy, which was syndicated by Tribune Media Services (Dick Tracy, Gasoline Alley, Broom-Hilda, etc). Written by Don “Duck” Edwing and drawn by Dave Manak, the strip had a run of 39 weeks… guess the humor just didn’t translate well to the Garfield crowd.
Anyway since April MAD has been posting these Sunday comics every Wednesday… I guess because they had something better to do on Sundays. This week was #22, and you can check them all out here. Check into MAD‘s website every Wednesday for another Spy Vs. Spy Sunday, which they probably prep and pre-post on Tuesdays since most of the staff call in sick on Mondays, Thursday is half-price tacos at the Applebees next door so everyone takes a 3 hour lunch, and no one gets anything done on Fridays.
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Are they going to publish them in a book?
I thought these were before 2002, I remember these being in my paper on Sundays (Rocky Mountain News). From what I remember they stopped including these after Sept. 11th 2001… Am I thinking of something else?