MAD Art of Caricature- Korean Edition!
Two years ago this August I wrote about how a publisher in Korea purchased the Korean foreign language rights to my book The Mad Art of Caricature, and planned on publishing a Korean language edition of it. After having heard from some caricature artist friends in Korea that the book was in recently print, I finally got my three copies that were part of the original deal in the mail yesterday.
The publisher took a lot of liberties with the placement of the art, and made some weird choices. Especially on the cover, where they moved some of the images around ignoring the fact that some were cropped for the original cover. Thus, Marilyn Monroe‘s legs mysteriously end at the calves, and Julia Roberts has been chopped in two with a tiny lower torso emitting from her spleen… and she has no arms.
I was also told by my friend and fellow caricaturist Yonie Woo that the translation leaves something to be desired. She said it was basically a “word for word” translation and obviously not done by anyone who understands art or caricature. So, any of you Korean-speaking folks out there who decide to get a copy, and I haven’t the fainest idea where you would go to do so, I hope you can still learn from it. I guess if you don’t speak English any translation is better than no translation.
This post will no doubt bring on several emails asking when the (insert the language of your choice here) version of the book will be printed. The answer is the same for any language other than English: if and when a foreign publisher wants to obtain the foreign language rights to do a translated version from me. I don’t have the resources nor the financial wherewithal to do any translated version myself. Sorry.
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Interesting to see how it transitions to such a different culture. Even with the translation issues, I think they will probably get a lot out of the images and the roughing in of faces and feature shapes etc. The other day I got a couple Swedish Mad’s from the late 60’s that have their people doing the covers and the inside is mostly the original content with a small bit of art and writing by the Swedish team.
Strange that your name has been removed from the book cover.
It is on the cover. The smaller characters on the fourth line on the left are the Korean characters for my name.