MAD Art Sales Ends Monday
I promise this will be the last reminder that The Great MAD Art Sale will be over in a little more than 48 hours.
It’s been pretty successful although there are still plenty of pieces left, including some cheap $75 full parody pages from movie “Behind Enemy Lines” (Gene Hackman, Owen Wilson) and TV shows¬¨‚Ć “The Bernie Mac Show”, “America’s Most Wanted” and “Boston Public”, $100 pages from “Traffic” (Michael Doudlas, Benecio del Toro, Catherine Zeta-Jone, etc), “The Royal Tennenbaums” (Gene Hackman again, Luke Wilson) and TV shows “Dog the Bounty Hunter” and “Scrubs” plus a few $150 pages from HBO’s “Entourage” and the movie “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”. There are also a few of the $25, $40 and $50 spot illustrations left.
I’m a little surprised any pages are left from the Harry Potter film, but there are still three left. That, BTW, was the longest movie parody in MAD in 25 years at 9 pages. The only one I could find that was longer was the parody of “Superman II” at a whopping 10 pages.
A lot of nice folks have bought a lot of pages and pieces of original art. Thanks to everybody who did. I am shipping out the last two pages that have been purchased today, so if you haven;t already received your packages they are on the way. The full parody pages are very big, measuring about 18 x 22 inches in their foamcore packing, so the shipping might take a little longer. I hope everyone who got a piece of MAD art is happy with their original.
The Great MAD Art Sale ends on this Monday, Dec. 20th . At some point during the day I’ll take the page down and move some of the pieces over to the Studio Store, where you can always go and buy some MAD art and the occasional other piece of crap. The prices won;t be quite this low, though. The purpose of this was to clear out another drawer in the constantly overflowing flatfile cabinet and to raise a little moola for a vacation The Lovely Anna and I will be taking after the New Year. Both goals are some way down the road to being accomplished, so thanks again!
However, as Han Solo once said “It’s not over yet!”…Just click on the image above to see the many pieces of original MAD artwork still available! Questions? E-mail me!
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