MAD Gets Even Weirder
MAD cover art by Mark Fredrickson
From the MAD Magazine Website:
At 6 PM on April 20th, the guest editor of MAD #533, “Weird Al” Yankovic and MAD Editor John Ficarra will be at the Barnes & Noble¬¨‚Ćat 33 E 17th St in NYC to sign autographs and meet fans! Mark your calendars! Enter the coordinates into your GPS! Moisturize and manicure your hand-shaking hand!
It will be fun to see this issue. Weird Al got worked into the piece I did for #533, and I am sure other features will have him involved in some way. This “guest editor” thing is a great idea. It would be fun to see an issue a year feature a guest editor. There are a lot of comedians and entertainers that cite MAD as a major influence who would probably love to do it: Stephen Colbert, Judd Apatow and Jon Stewart come to mind.
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I like the possible editor’s you mentioned. I think Conan O’Brien would bring a lot of enthusiasm and fun to a challenge like that. I’m sure he would even do a feature on his show about the experience. He has the writing background and loves satire and parody. Like the others, his image and participation would bring in added Ka-ching.
I can’t wait to get my copy. I’m a huge fan of Weird Al and agree that guest editors are a great idea. They bring something fresh to the table(like liver and onions with a side of durian fruit) and attract people who wouldn’t normally buy the magazine. Al is a perfect start. No, not that Al, the other Al. The Weird one.
The guest editor idea is a great one – I agree with you on Stewart and Colbert, and Weird Al is a GREAT way to start! Glad to hear you worked him into your art for MAD #533! I absolutely CAN’T WAIT for this issue!!!