Richmond Illustration Inc.
MAD Moving News
June 13th, 2017 | Posted in MAD Magazine
The big news on the MAD move to Burbank is… there is no news. DC Entertainment has given no official (or unofficial for that matter, at least to my knowledge) information on their plans for the magazine once it gets to the west coast. Here’s the little I do know:
- The New York staff will be doing the magazine through issue 550. This will be the last issue produced in NYC by the current MAD staff, and will be out in Feb 2018 but will be produced before Dec 31, 2017. The offices will close at the end of 2017.
- I’m told only one of the current staff is making the trip to Burbank, and that is one of the production artists who have been with MAD for only 6 months or so. Starting with issue 551 there will be essentially an entirely new staff for both editorial and the art department. There has been zero information shared on who those people may be.
- MAD will continue to be a magazine, and will not switch to a comic book format (a rumor that was going around).
Seriously, that’s all I know. I’m not even holding back any secret information I was given but told not to divulge. Nada. Zilch. Zippo. Maybe there will be some big announcements at San Diego Comic Con next month… I’d certainly like to have some idea of what to expect in 2018 and beyond.
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Does that mean your artwork will no longer be in Mad?? That would seriously bring down the artistic quality of magazine IMHO. Your work and Herman Mejia’s had that classic Mad feel to it. (Sigh)
I just renewed my subscription. They damn well better not change the format or the Irreverent humour. They’d better not turn Alfred into some sort of superhero so they can make a shit ton of money on crappy movies. On second thought, I’ve seen some DC superhero movies so it probably won’t be a shit ton of money. And they better not do like Cracked magazine and become an “online only” entity. And if they go out of business, they’d better not decide to switch my subscription to “Bedbugs Monthly” or some other crummy rag to finish out my subscription with “another fine publication that you will be sure to enjoy!”. I’ll be wanting my damn money back!!
This story continues to give credence to the stereotype of the heartless corporation.
I just got in snail mail offer to renew my sub for $10/yr (cheap)(normally $19, right?) AND to send a free sub to a friend FREE! (super cheap). Do we think 6 issues for $10 signals any format change? Or have I just been getting ripped off for past few years!
Possibly part of the problem is how incredibly far left the magazine has gone. The artwork is still awesome, but the anti-Trump stuff got old real quick.
That’s ridiculous. MAD was at the height of its sales when it was busy going after Nixon, which it did with gleeful delight. The reason Trump is on the cover so much is that issues with Trump covers sell significantly better than others. If anything MAD is enjoying a sales renaissance thanks to going after Trump and his cronies.
Tom – I’m sure you’re totally correct about the sales and Trump covers. I guess as a Trump supporter, I’m just sick of the incredible overabundance of anti-Trump stuff, particularly in the mainstream media. I’m actually happy that MAD is enjoying a sales renaissance. It would be a shame to see it disappear.
Your boy Trump just makes it too easy.
Tom – I agree he’s been an easy target. I actually would have preferred Rand Paul.
Will there be tv and movie satires of Twin Peaks and Wonder Woman before the offices close?
Sorry to learn MAD is leaving Manhattan. Lots of fond memories👍😢❤️
[…] deje a cargo “buenas personas” listas para asumir el mando. Por su parte, el artista Tom Richmond ha dicho en su blog que a partir del número 551 habrá un staff completamente nuevo y eso es lo que a ambos […]