Richmond Illustration Inc.
MAD Online
January 30th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
This was posted last week on the MAD‘s website/blog aka “The Idiotical“. I know there are a number of big plans for an increased MAD online presence both on their website and in social media, but I am not sure when it’s going to be launched. Probably with the first west coast produced issue in April. Will keep you posted.
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Perhaps, Tom, you could explain the release dates of issues #550 and #551? According to the issues page of the madmag website, issue #550 is set to be on newsstands on February 21 while issue #551 is listed to be on sale starting March 28, a mere five weeks later. Could this be a signal that perhaps there will be an increase in issues released per year?
I have heard nothing about an increase in the number of yearly issues. I think it’s just a matter of timing with production. The NYC staff was to do issue #550 (dated April 2018) but had to get it done almost a month early because the NYC offices were closing on Dec 22. Maybe rather than printing that one earlier they decided to move up the print date of the first Burbank staff issue rather than have them twiddle their thumbs with an extra full month of production time. That’s just speculation, though.
I see, and that makes a lot of sense. I remember a few years ago the same thing happened when, I believe, Goodnight, Batman was being finished up for its release resulting in two regular Mad issues being released in two months time. Thank you for the reply.