MAD Senior Moments
I got this email the other day from MAD aficionado Ed Meisinger:
I’m curious – no signature on the splash page (for “The Swallowing” in MAD #525).
1)¬¨‚ĆIntentional? I’m assuming it is since you’ve got the “Richmond Area Directory” included.
2) Is this a first? (a splash page without your usual stylish signature)
- Nope. Not intentional… I just forgot. I forget to do that a lot. I get wrapped up in the job, and just plain forget.
- Sadly, no.
Thanks to some OCD issues I had to go back and look at how many I have actually missed signing. I only counted those that are “splash pages” or intro pages to an article where a signature seems appropriate. I never (or seldom) sign features which are only made up of spot illustrations, or as single images meant to be riffs on some other thing (like fake DVD or video game covers, posters, etc). If you were to include those this list would be much longer. That said, there are actually not as many as I thought:
- Gadgets to Really Make Home Theater Like Going to the Movies!- MAD #399 (My first #$@#% printed MAD piece and I DIDN’T SIGN IT! D’OH!)
- MAD Dumbest Thing #1- Election 2000- MAD #401
- Traffeccch!- MAD #405
- Behind Empty Lines- MAD #415
- Fools of Rock- MAD #438
- The Burning Mad Show- MAD #447
- Dump My Ride- MAD #456
- MAD’s Inside Scoop on This Year’s Stupidest Holiday Movies- MAD #459
- Rejected Characters from CARS- MAD #467
- Stuporman Returns- MAD #468
- MAD Exposes Who’s Thinking What at the Obama Inauguration- MAD #498
- The Big Bomb Theory- MAD #503
- Green Lunkhead- MAD #510
- Parks and Regurgitation- MAD #511
- Bigg and Bulky- MAD #514
- The Hunger Pains- MAD #515
- The Dork Knight Reprises- MAD #519
- The Slobbit- MAD #522
- The Swallowing- MAD #525
I only did a quick look back (I have tear sheets collected in books from all my MAD work.. pathetic, I know) and there may be a few in there where the signature is hard to find… but I think this is pretty accurate. I see I’ve forgotten a lot in the last 25 issues.
So, my not signing this parody of “The Following” is not all that unusual. However, there is something unusual about the work I did on this parody that has never been seen before on any of my MAD jobs. Anybody care to guess what that was? The answer and explanation tomorrow (I know… big deal).
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..did you do the whole project digitally? no scanning?
My guess is the computer screen was replicated from something else. So the “whole” spread wasn’t hand drawn for this particular work.
Come on Doug, I already guessed that over on your facebook site, lol…
Maybe my own memory is failing me, but wasn’t it called “Stuporman Reruns” ?
Added your personal blog sketch o’ the week drawings of the Stooges to a Mad parody? I don’t think I’ve seen you do that before.