MAD Sketch Covers at NYCC!
I’m getting home from New York today where The Lovely Anna and I did New York Comic Con. The show was crazy busy, especially with commissions.
One of the things I do are “sketch covers”. For those not familiar with these, they are comics that have a heavyweight blank paper cover over top of the printed cover. This blank cover usually has the logo of the comic on it, so artists can draw their own “cover” on it. It’s a popular thing at comic book conventions.
Anyway, MAD has done two of these sketch covers, one was issue #539. I have a pile of those issues, and do a lot of them for people when I do conventions. Here’s a few pics of some of the ones I did this past weekend. I do them using calligraphy and brush pens, Copic markers and some colored pencil.
Sorry, these are exclusively done at comic-cons. I do not do these in the studio.
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