Richmond Illustration Inc.
MAD Sneak Peek
August 3rd, 2010 | Posted in MAD Magazine
As I mentioned before this is one of my favorite pieces I’ve ever done for MAD. I just thought Desmond Devlin did a smart job on the writing and I had the opportunity to have a lot of fun with the subject matter. Here’s a few images from the article…
Click for a closer look…
Now go out and buy a copy, you clod!
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LOVE IT….especially Pundit-Land! It was probably a bit easier to Munchkin-ize Robert Reich, since he’s about that size in real life!
yes, a few of those folks were easy to make into Munchkins… Rove’s hair was ripe for a Munchin ‘do and of course Carville looks like a cross between a Munchkin and Gollum.
Love the Cowardly Lion Glenn Beck! I’ll be looking for this issue this week (why am I not a subscriber, anyway?!?).
Sold me. Must go buy now.
WOW Tom!
I think it’s definitely one of your best, though I know a lot more faces than names!
Beck & ORielly are hillarious!
Seems like double or triple the amount of work of regular feature?
This definitely has to be the most faces you put in a feature right?
Hi Tom its an awesome piece in did, finally i got my credit card were i can buy it?. Take care.
Nice job. The reason Punditland is so great is because the more you know about politics, the more you get out of the caricatures. The first face I saw was Donna Brazile and I knew it, and it was that weird part of your brain that recognizes faces that kind of freaked out for a minute. It’s like a Where’s Waldo of political punditry. Is there a name key in the issue, like Mad does sometimes?
I went to see Markos Moulitsas at a book signing one time and he told a story of Pat Buchanan and James Carville arguing bitterly on the air, at each other’s throats. And when they got back to the green room, they were like, “So, what are you doing tomorrow? Let’s have lunch. All right, see you then. Tell Mary hi.”
No “key” in MAD but I think i will create one for the blog as I have gotten a few e-mails asking who some of the punditkins are.
Who am I?
A key would really be appreciated!
THIS is the reason I subscribed to MAD again. Your work was SUPERB! I thought the incorporation of Beck, O’Reilly, and Olbermann into the primary characters was fantastic, as was the touch with the trees.
Now I just need to figure out what you saw in Judy Garland that caused you to have her look a little on the sickly side!
Great work! Loved it from beginning to end, and was thrilled to see it was a full.. what.. 5 pages?
There was quite a debate over how to handle “Dorthy”… because she had to be old enough to own a home that was foreclosed on she clearly could not be the teenage Dorthy from the film. One school of thought was to make her a generic woman, but another felt that would be too confusing as everyone else in the piece was “somebody”. Since there was no known real personality that fit the bill it was decided it HAD to be Judy Garland, but as an adult. It was also discussed and decided not to do the bloated, pill popping, haggard 40ish Garland from just before her death, but rather the 25ish one from “Easter Parade”. Thus the taller, hallow cheekboned older Garland still wearing the beat up teenage sized outfit… I added the cleavage for comic effect, to show further adult attributes and of course because I love to draw the boobies.
Wow! Thanks for that info! It’s always interesting to hear how other warped minds work!
Great stuff, Tom. Couldn’t find a like button on the prior link. Best of luck, Paul
Tom great stuff. I can imagine what will be said. I’ve been reading MAD, I think, before you were born. And they’ve always hammered everybody, equally.
Your work is just great, following in the greatest tradition of humorous illustrators.
Really fine work, Tom.
All the best,
Right on man, I love the work.