MADNess #46- NBA Dress Code!
It’s Monday! That means it’s time to hit the hardwood and drive to the paint with another sports-centric job for MAD. This is one of those two page spreads made up of individual spot illustrations and an unwieldy, far too long and wordy title we all love to page right past as we look for Sergio‘s “A MAD Look At…” This one is called “The Good Points and Bad Points of the New NBA Dress Code”, written by Jeff Kruse and Nate Fakes and first appearing in MAD #462, Feb 2006.
Not much to say about this piece other than it would prove to be the last sports feature I’d do for MAD. I’m not sure if they had other artists do the sports stuff, or did little or no sports related features, or what, but other than a “cover” for an ad insert this was it for me and sports stuff in the magazine. I didn’t have a problem with that… I enjoyed doing the sports stuff but didn’t miss it.
Toon in next week for a first for me in my work for MAD… TWO features in the same issue!!
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