MADness #58- Entourage!

It’s time for another stop on the glitzy Hollywood lifestyle that is definitely not like the tour of my work for MAD Magazine. This week we take a look at MAD‘s parody of the HBO series “Entourage”, appearing in MAD #476, April 2007, written by Arnie Kogen.
Interestingly enough, I scanned all the final pencils for this job as opposed to my usual “roughs”. I am pretty sure this is because I was trying to spend less time on the roughs and doing more of the full drawing on the big boards to try and cut down my process time. This is the only “rough” I have saved, which as you can see is about as rough as it gets:
These are the full blown pencils, done on the original art sized bristol boards ready for inking:
Here are the other pages and the final pencils for each:

I don’t remember a thing about doing this job, other than I did it. This was one of those shows I didn’t like or hate, but was just entirely uninteresting. It’s hard to work up any creative energy for that sort of thing.
Join us next week for (hopefully) a more interesting episode, when I do my first cover work for MAD (well, MAD KIDS) and a piece inside as well!
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