MADness #60- Harry Potter 5!
Wingagium Levigrossa! It’s Monday and that means another spellbinding look at my magically mediocre work for MAD Magazine. This week you are truly cursed with a gaze at MAD‘s spoof of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, written by my CLAPTRAP collaborator Desmond Devlin and first appearing in MAD #480, August 2007.
There were a total of eight “Harry Potter” films. Only the first seven were spoofed in MAD Magazine proper, although the last film was parodied and published in a special collector’s issue. I did the art for three of the eight movies, this being my second one. Mort Drucker did the art for the first spoof. Hermann Mejia did movies three, four, six and eight. I did movie two, five, and seven. All eight spoofs were written by Desmond.

Really not a lot to add about this one. We all loved the Harry Potter books and movies in the Richmond home, so it was a lot of fun to get to do these parodies. It’s always more fun to work on a film or show you love (or really REALLY hate) just because it’s engaging. Plus I knew the source material very well, and that helps with adding chicken fat gags.
At this point I am still doing the pencil roughs on printed out versions of the layouts in pencil and at print size. Eventually I would switch to doing the roughs on my Wacom Cintiq and on the computer, and then doing the inks on board before switching back to the computer for the color.

If you think the curse has been lifted because this spoof is over, think again! MAD #480 had a lot more horror in it from me than just this movie parody! Toon in next week for another example of MAD‘s slow descent into the dungeon of corporate advertising darkness with a look at a MAD ad insert!
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