MADness #83: MAD 20 of 2014!

Giddyup, cowboy! It’s MONDAY! Time for another rootin’, tootin’ look back at the steaming pile of cow $#!t that was my work for MAD Magazine! This week we wrap up 2014 with another piece from MAD’s annual “20 Dumbest People, Events, and Things” of the year. We clock in at number 14 with a rare fully digitally painted piece, written by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin and first appearing in MAD #531, Feb 2015.

There’s not much to discuss here. This is a spoof of the movie poster for the Seth McFarlane film “A Million ways to Die in the West” ridiculing Cliven Bundy and the “Bundy Standoff”. Because it was supposed to spoof a photographic movie poster, I had to take a realistic approach to the art. Not my favorite thing to do, as it takes me forever to do thing sort of thing.
Toon in next week for a SECOND piece I did for MAD #531…
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