MADness #90: 2015 FIFA Scandal!

It’s another moronic Monday, and another look back at my work for MAD. This week we have a peek at one of “MAD‘s 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2015″. I did the art for Dumb Thing #13, which was about the bribery scandal involving the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). In May of 2015, more than two dozen FIFA officials and associates were indicted for what was revealed to be a more than two decade long scheme of accepting over $150 million in bribes, in part for the awarding of hosting rights to the World Cup. A bunch of people went to jail. Matt Lassen wrote this piece for MAD #537, Feb 2016.
It seems I have no saved files with sketches or anything for this one. This is a fully digital piece, so the entire thing was done on the computer. It’s likely I just had one file which started out as digital rough sketches and then I just kept working on it until it was done, and never saved any steps along the way.
I really did not like doing these fully painted type pieces. I’m much more of a linear visual thinker, and when I have to do something relying on nothing but values it takes me forever to do it and I never like the results much. I’ve gotten better at it since 2015, but stuff like this is among my least favorite pieces I ever did for the magazine.
The good news is I did another piece for issue #537, which was a lot more fun and turned out a lot better! The bad news is I am not going to share that under next Monday! Fa fa fa!
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