MADness #97: The Trump Family Circus!
It’s another nauseating Monday MADness as we chronologically look back at my work for MAD Magazine! We are nearing the end of the New York MAD era with this peek at a piece I did for MAD #544 (April 2017) called “The Trump Family Circus”, written by my CLAPTRAP cohort Desmond Devlin!
Mimicking Bil (and later Jeff) Keane‘s art style was nothing new for me. Just a few years earlier I did a similar job for MAD #520 called “Honey Boo Boo’s Family Circus”, but that one was written by Frank Santopadre. Most of the interesting things about a job like this I wrtoe about in that Monday MADness, so go back and read that if you want that story again. Otherwise just enjoy the pencils and clos eup looks at the different panels:
That’s it for another Monday MADness! Toon in next week when we once again visit a galaxy far, far away but not that long ago!
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