MADness Bonus: 80’s Cover!

It’s another grody Monday, dudes and dudettes! That means it’s time for a totally tubular trip down the gnarly path that was my work for MAD Magazine. As if! This week we take another rad side trip from the magazine itself to look at my second “bookazine” cover, this one for the “MAD Spoof’s the 80’s: Special Collector’s Edition (Spring 2016)”, which is a fancy title for “here’s a bunch of reprinted stuff from about 30 years ago we’d like you to pay to read again.” Wait, that’s kind of MAD’s current business model, isn’t it? Gag me with a spoon.

Not much to really say about this one. It was a simple concept, and a pretty simple image. I remember I painted most of it on a portable Wacom Cintiq while sitting at “Family Circus” cartoonist Jeff Keane‘s kitchen table… I was in LA for some National Cartoonists Society committee meeting I think.
If I remember right there was some debate as to if the images on the Rubik’s cube should be in black and white or color. The MAD editorial/art department decided on black and white, which I think was the correct choice. I did all those 80’s images separately and then used Photoshop to place them on the colored squares with the right perspective to make them look like the were on the different planes of the cube. That might look like it would be difficult but it was actually really easy to do. Here’s all the individual caricatures:

If you don’t think that’s epic, you can take a chill pill and bite me, wastoid!
Toon in next week when I stop messing around doing covers for MAD Kids or bookazine special collector’s editions, and do the cover for the ACTUAL magazine!!
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