Mark’s Mel Torme Story

I have been recommending Mark Evanier‘s wonderful blog “News from ME” (That’s “News from ‘M.E.’ i.e. ‘Mark Evanier’… get it?”) for many years now. Mark is one of the great humor writers, or any other kind of writers really, in comics, TV etc., as well as one of the most respected comics historians in the industry, so you would expect his blog to be both entertaining and informative. BREAKING NEWS: it is.
I’m recommending it again right now for two reasons.
First, “News from ME” just celebrated its 20th birthday. That’s a long time, and I am not sure that does not make it one of the longest running blogs out there. When it started in 2000 blogs were just becoming a “thing”. They’ve since gone a bit out of style as social media has sort of taken the place of the individual blog in the last ten years or so, but a good blog full of good content never goes out of style. Mark’s blog has consistently had substinative daily posts, with the occasional can of soup thrown in, for two decades. That’s a quite an achievement. I visit it all the time, and it’s taught me many things, made me laugh many times, and entertained me all the time.
Second, it give me an excuse to post this link to Mark’s “Mel Tormé Story”, which he usually posts around this time of year. Mark says it’s the most popular thing he’s ever posted on his blog, which is saying something. I don’t doubt it, because it’s a wonderful story and a joy to read. Go there and read it right now. I’ll wait….
See? A great story from a wonderful storyteller. You’re welcome.
If you have any interest in the world and history of comics, film, television, like to laugh or be informed about the comics industry, News from Me should be a daily stop.
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Thanks, Tom, I also am a fan of Mr. Torme. I got a kick out of the mention of the Velvet Frog pun.
Randy in Dallas
Your site and Mark’s are daily reads for me. I also posted to ME’s Mel Torme story because it is such a classic. Merry Christmas and keep the art posts coming!