Me Gallery Updates
I’ve been terrible about updating the other areas of my website lately (for the last two years, actually), but this weekend I finally got around to updating my Portfolio, MAD Art and especially the Me Gallery.
If you have never visited the Me Gallery, you are in for a treat. For the last 13 years, I have been collecting caricatures of myself done by different caricaturists from all over the world. At the beginning most were from other members of the International Society of Caricature Artists (formerly the National Caricaturists Network) done at their annual convention. However after I started to post them on my website, I started getting unsolicited caricatures of myself from the far corners of the globe. It is really interesting to see the different approaches taken of the same face by different artists. Some are better than others, but all are unique perspectives and interpretations of a single subject.
I just added 20 new caricatures to the Me Gallery (some replaced older versions of me by the same artist) done by artists from as close as Colorado and as far away as Argentina, Colombia, Italy, the Czech Republic and more! Here are just a few of the new ones:
Dustin Clark
Frank Pryor
Denver, CO
Juan Pablo Costa
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Richard Wojnar
Czech Republic
Check out all 277 in the Me Gallery sometime.
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Ce fut un plaisir pour moi de te croquer ! ‘T Was really a plaesure to draw you !
Different artsy elements I like about each one, but Wojnar’s my favorite! The Reagan pompadour’s a commonality:)