Me on “From the Middle” Podcast

I’ve done a number of podcast interviews in the last year or two, but this one is definitely a favorite. From the Middle is a “comedy, entertainment, and culture podcast” hosted by Kory and Dillon Hubbell and Kendall Eilola. There are a lot of those types of podcasts, but Kory told me that they made an effort to ask questions of guests that are not your typical type of questions… and he was right. At no point to they ask what pen nib I use. We talk about family, the comics and illustration industry, making a living as a cartoonist in the 21st century, and other topics that are not what you usually find in these kinds of shows. Yes, we talk about my MAD days, but even then the questions they ask are unique and we discuss aspects of that kind of work that are different from the usual fare. It’s most definitely worth a listen, or a watch on YouTube for that alone. You can find links to every flavor of the podcast from Podchaser to Pandora and all inbetween here. Check out some of their other episodes as well.
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Thank you for your time, Tom! The pleasure was truly all ours.