Richmond Illustration Inc.
Meme Me
September 10th, 2021 | Posted in General

I took this picture (and maaaaaaybe did a little photoshop work on it) years ago as part of a gag for a presentation I was doing on cartooning.
Then I posted it on my blog.
It’s become a frequently used meme image and not a week goes by without someone sending me an email saying they saw it on Reddit or Facebook or wherever and did I know someone was using it? Yes, I do. Can I do anything about it? No, I can’t. It’s out there and there is no reeling it back in. I think if I had a dime for everytime someone used in in a meme I’d be sipping Mai Tais on a beach right now wondering if my Ferrari is done being detailed yet.
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Yes but you could cash in by selling it as a NFT.