Minnesota SpringCon May 17-18th

March 14th, 2014 | Posted in News


I have been remiss in not promoting the wonderful SpringCon Comic Book “Celebration” taking place this year on May 17th and 18th in St. Paul, MN. I’ll be there, along with 250 comics creators, lots of dealers, panels and other fun stuff. For those who lament the comics conventions of today are much more about movies and other media than actual comics, this one has a truly classic feel like the cons of old. Plus, Minnesotans are so glad the %*&$^# winter is over by then that we are all unusually cheerful and fun to be around.

This volunteer group has been putting on Minnesota SpringCon and/or FallCon for 25 years now, and is suddenly competing with a Wizard World Con that not only is coming to the same market but (oddly enough) also chose a date only two weeks from the MCBA’s event dates. If you want to go to the Wizard World Con then by all means do so, but not at the expense of missing this one. If you love comics and have any interest in supporting the local industry, don’t miss SpringCon!

Visit www.midwestcomicbook.com for more information!


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