Monday MADness!
Occasionally this feature will have some info on what’s new at MAD… like this week! MAD keeps slowly entering the digital age with their iPad app by adding more and more of their classic issues for purchase and download. Last week they announced all the issues from 1969 were now available digitally. I’m not sure how they choose which years to add in… maybe they have a bunch of homeless guys from Times Square turning in the stuff they find in the alleyways in exchange for liquor and just going with what they get. Anyway, you can now get the following back issues on the app:
- MAD 1-23, 92-131, 504-present
- Several recent specials
- The “Bo Confidential” book
The back issues are $1.99 (cheap!) each. Bo book is also $1.99. Specials are $4.99.
You can also get a preview of MAD’s 60th anniversary book for free.
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