Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness isn’t actually from a piece I did in MAD but one from the now-defunct MAD Kids. Some people questioned why a magazine that was supposedly already aimed at kids would do a “Kids” version as well. MAD itself is not aimed at kids…it’s not aimed at any demographic, really. That said, if I was forced to name a demographic I’d say 13-17 years-olds, with plenty of stuff thrown in for both adults and younger kids as well. MAD Kids was squarely for the 8-12 year old set, in the same mould as Nickelodeon magazine used to be. It was a fun read for the younger kid and it’s a shame it was discontinued.
This was an article called ‘Sing Along with MAD Kids: Songs for People in your School” from MAD Kids circa 2006 (can’t recall actual issue number):
Mock up of final using layout (text was much easier to read in real printed piece)- Clicky to Enbiggen…
Pencil rough- Clicky to Embiggen…
A closer look at the spots:
Finally, and in honor of my son’s 17th birthday today, I give you the picture we snapped that was supposed to be used for the recurring ad in the magazine showing a kid with a copy of the magazine in tow (they Photoshopped the latest issue in place of the subscription cover). It never got used, but here he is from 2006: Happy Birthday, Tom!
All artwork and text above ©2006 EC Comics/MAD Magazine, used with permission
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Spittin’ image of the old man! Would’ve made a great ad.