Monday MADness!
This week’s Monday MADness is a peek behind the scenes of a piece I did for MAD #467 (July 2006) called “Rejected Characters from Cars” written by Jacob Lambert.
The premise was a collection of characters from the Pixar film Cars (Cars 2 was about to come out, I think) that were deemed “not marketable enough” to be included in the movie. The scene was a used car lot and I was supposed to mimic the Pixar look for the cars. As I was hand painting them (okay, digitally hand painting, but still using a brush tool) I could only get so close to that look without spending a billion hours on each car. Here are the pencils, a few close ups of some of the cars, and the final splash and third page. As always, clicky any image to embiggen:
In the printed final each car had a descriptive/gag balloon.
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Amazing reflections. Always enjoyed your textures on this one!
Thanks, Jason. See you in a few weeks!