Monday MADness- A MAD NYC Reunion!
Okay, the MAD offices in New York have only been closed for about four months so it might be a little too soon to use the word “reunion”, but we had a little get together of “The Usual Gang of Idiots” this past Saturday in Manhattan. I was in town teaching a workshop. Here are some pics!
From left to right are former editor Charlie Kadau, his lovely lady Ellen Berg Cohen, writers Desmond Devlin and Dick Debartolo*, and former art director and longtime MAD artist Sam Viviano.
*Dick is not only MAD‘s Maddest writer, he’s also MAD‘s Fastest Idiot. He’s so fast normal photography cannot capture him. You can’t tell in this picture, but Dick is actually telling the same story he his here at two other tables at the same time.
MAD‘s former editor team, Joe Raiola and Charlie Kadau.
Charlie again… he jumped into every picture I took. I think he had just had his teeth cleaned and wanted to show them off. Here he is with former art director Ryan Flanders. In the back corner former editor Dave Croatto and artist Ray Alma discuss how good Charlie’s teeth look.
Al Jaffee had to run a marathon the next morning so he couldn’t make it to the get-together, but I stopped in and hung out in his studio for a little while. Charlie’s teeth were not discussed, but I did get a peek at the next MAD fold-in as a work in progress. I’d show you a picture of it but then I’d have to kill you… top secret stuff. Al and his wonderful wife Joyce are doing just fine, by the way.
That’s all the pictures I have. I suck at taking pictures… I am too busy enjoying everyone’s company.
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Great to see them. Thanks for the sucky pictures!