Monday MADness: A MAD Reunion!

Earlier this month at New York Comic Con, MAD writer Desmond Devlin and I thought we’d get together for dinner one night. We decided to call and invite a few of our fellow members of the Usual Gang of Idiots. The next thing you know we had almost 30 people show up. The table only sat six, so it was a little cramped. Actually MAD artist Ed Steckley found us a venue and we had a nice little NYC MAD reunion. Here are some pictures, all courtesy of former MAD assistant art director Nadina Simon!

I don’t have pictures of anybody else since I was too busy enjoying everyone’s company to remember to take pictures, but there were many more UGOI there. So great to see everyone! Thanks to Nadina for these and to Ed for the dinner arrangements.
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How COOL! Thanks for sharing, Tom. I can only imagine the discussion amongst all of you with the “demise” of MAD and all the champagne flowing…LOL. Curious if any other patrons at the restaurant realized who you guys were and were impressed…or embarrassed for you…LOL.
What’s the source for the MAD shirt you’re wearing, Tom?
Made it myself
Curious if any other patrons at the restaurant realized who you guys were
No, but the restaurant knew we were all from MAD. Which is why they insisted that we pay in advance.
As for Tom’s cruel and hateful “jokes” about my champagne problem, I can’t help it. As you can see from the photos, my head looks like a cork.
It all makes sense now.
Does anything really EVER?