Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness!- Ahnuld!
December 30th, 2013 | Posted in Monday MADness
Now that he’s done being the governor of California and (presumably) knocking up the domestic staff, Arnold Schwarzenegger is “bahk” doing action movies at age 66 including a reboot of the “Terminator” franchise in 2015. Here’s a look back at his last turn (not counting a CGI Arnie in “Terminator: Salvation”) as the cyborg killing machine from MAD‘s parody of “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” entitled “Interminable 3: Rise of the Bad Scenes”, MAD #432, August 2003. Writer: Dick DeBartolo. Pencil roughs and finished art… clicky any image to embiggen:
Actually the above is the finished pencil, not really a rough. I must have skipped the rough stage on this one.
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It’s interesting to see your creative process and how you incorporate so many numerous details like max korn on the license plate of the Delorean!