Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday Madness: Another “Bookazine” Cover
March 21st, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness
This is another cover I did for one of MAD‘s “bookazine” releases, this one entitled “MAD Spoofs the ’80s”. The book is just got released, and is on the rack in fine, not-so-fine, and downright sketchy stores everywhere. If you are interested (and even if you aren’t) Alfred and the Rubik’s Cube are painted digitally, while I did the caricatures in pen and ink.
I’m glad I did the cover because I have no work whatsoever in the book itself. I spent the first half of the eighties in high school, the second half of them in college, and the entire decade doing no work for MAD.
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I got this “bookazine” at my local grocery store on Saturday. I think I thought it was the previous one. I’ll have to look up what that one looked like, and get it at Barnes and Noble or someplace. Great cover, and I continue to wish Mad would give us a variety of their artist’s perspective’s on the regular magazine cover’s, rather than just one, as good as he is in his way. It used to be refreshing to see Mingo, or Rickard, or Mort, or Davis, etc. with all those fresh viewpoint’s on the cover’s.
Just picked this one up yesterday at Barnes and Noble. On the clearance table!! How rude!
I got a bunch of different MAD specials. Brings back a lot of great memories.
Now if only they’d give you an actual cover of the magazine to draw. Seriously, 16 years working there now and they still haven’t given you a cover job? Not cool.