Monday MADness- Batman Final Penciled Splash!

October 19th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness


I usually don’t bother to scan in my actual final pencils on any MAD jobs before I ink them, since I don’t usually need to send them in for approval (that’s all done with the roughs) and they are REALLY BIG and therefore a pain to scan. However I happened to come across scans of the final pencils for the splash page of MAD‘s parody of “The Dark Knight Rises” from issue #519 among some random files on my computer. I have no earthly idea why I went to the trouble of scanning them, but if anyone is interested in seeing what my final penciled pages look like before inking, here you go. The rough and the final art is below.

TDKR 1-2 rough

Dork Knight_big_big_dea6d67f-4e7d-4d36-910e-b6632b05683c


  1. Audy Ferrer says:

    Mr Richmond what happend with the “Sketch of the Week?

  2. What do you do? Do you ink the final by hand or the computer.

    Raymond T. Nigba

  3. haes says:

    Very insightfull, Tom. Nice of you to put them up here. Nice to see those little changes (some rearrangement in background etc), do you just make those up as you go allong? Or do you “re-pencil” them? …can you even remember ;).

    • Tom Richmond says:

      Most little changes I just do with the inks, although if they are more involved I will to some addition pencil work to make sure I get it right.


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