Monday MADness- Battyman v Stuporman!

The mailbag question about “The Batman” trailer yesterday got me thinking about some of the other Batman related stuff I’ve done for MAD over the years. I ended up being the go-to artist for most of the comic-book related movie spoofs, which resulted in my doing the art for all three Christopher Nolan Batman films, and both “Justice League” and this movie “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”. This parody appeared in MAD #540, Aug 2016, written by Desmond Devlin.
Remembering this job still gives me the cold sweats. For whatever reason I ended up getting this assignment with only 10 days to do the art… and it was eight pages! This was at the beginning of May 2016, and I had to work day and night on it in order to get it done. This meant I had to cancel any and all personal plans I had over that time… which included my 50th birthday party. The Lovely Anna was not amused, and I advised the MAD staff to avoid speaking to her at all costs for awhile. They sent her flowers.
Here’s that parody in its entirety. I’m not super proud of this piece because frankly I had to cut a lot of corners to get it done so fast and I wish I’d had been able to do spend more time on it… but needs must.

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