Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness- Best Picture 2003!
April 25th, 2016 | Posted in Monday MADness
Back in issue #428 (April 2003), MAD had me draw a two page feature entitled “MAD Sizes up the Oscars- Best Picture 2003″. Actually this was part of a longer feature that included “Best Actor” (Drew Friedman art) and “Best Actress” (Rick Tulka art), and was written by Greg Leitman, Barry Liebmann, Mike Snider and David Shayne. Here are the pencils roughs:
And the finished spot artwork:
Actually my first gag idea for the “Lord of the Rings” was this:
But MAD made me redo it because this was their cover for that issue (art by Dale Stephanos):
Cover image courtesy Doug Gilford
ah well…
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