Monday MADness!- Bond, James Bond
I finally got permission to be able to post a peek at the art I did for MAD #521 for the article entitled “Casebook: Spyfail- The Battle of the Bonds”, written by Desmond Devlin. It took a little longer this time because the exclusive first sneak peek at the article was promised to another website, who didn’t bother to run it, so I had to either wait until they did run it or until enough time had passed that it didn’t matter.
This was a fun project in that I got to draw all the actors who have played Bond throughout the parody, as they do a running commentary of all three Daniel Craig 007 movies. Here is the pencil rough for the splash, which as you can see is VERY rough in that I didn’t even do any faces, and some of the panels from the parody:
So what are you waiting for (The issue’s been out for a month already!)… go buy a copy, clod!
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