Monday MADness- Bonds, Rough Bonds
This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the final splash page and all the pencil roughs for the Desmond Devlin penned mash-up parody of the first three Daniel Craig 007 movies entitled “Casebook: SPYFAIL- The Battle of the Bonds” from MAD #521, June 2013. These are true “roughs” as I just drew blank heads (and made notes as to who is supposed to be who.. although some might say I should do that even with my finished caricatures) and everything is very sketchy, meaning I must have worked out the caricatures and drew things out fully on the art boards. These pencils were for demonstrating storytelling, gags and overall approach for review from the MAD staff. I seldom send such rough work in, and I honestly cannot remember why I did in this case. I might have been given a short deadline so time was tight, or I might have been experimenting with less complete roughs to force myself to do more of the drawing on the boards, or something. Anyway Here they are:
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