Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness- Cover of MAD #6!
February 4th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD just released a look at the cover of MAD #6, along with a few other sneak peeks of the upcoming issue. The cover art is by M. Wartella who, among a lot of work for The Village Voice and many other publications, did animation shorts for every episode of the MAD show on Cartoon Network.
Check out MAD‘s Instagram page for other sneak peeks, as well as this look at Desmond Devlin and Anton Emdin‘s great splash for the parody of “The Good Place”.
I also did a parody, sort of, in this next issue. I’ll see if I am allowed to share a peek at some of that as the issue’s release date of Feb 19th gets closer.
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That’s a terrific cover – and I have been impressed by the variety of the MAD Magazine covers since the relaunch. However, I just saw that Bill Morrison has been let go as editor of MAD – apparently a victim of The DC lay-offs that have been going down.
MAD has done an amazing job since it’s new number 1 last year and I can’t help but to think Bill played a large part of it. This is especially sad considering MAD’s last editor, John Ficarra, was in place for (I believe) 30+ years! If this is how the corporate entity that owns MAD is going to start handling things I’m beginning to worry again about the direction it might take. Talent is not so interchangeable.
The news about Bill Morrisson is totally shocking and has me worried also about the future of MAD. He actually was doing a great job in keeping the good old things and adding new ideas. Wonder what happens from here?
gret cover.