Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness- First MAD Piece!
October 12th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Exactly 20 years ago this week, MAD #399 hit newsstands (for you kids out there a “newsstand” was a place where people bought magazines, newspapers, and chewing gum). Pages 30 and 31 of that issue featured my first printed piece in MAD, pictured above. It was written by MAD‘s MADDEST WRITER Dick DeBartolo.
We threw a MAD party at our house. I was 34 years old and my youngest kid was 4. Today he is 24, a college graduate, homeowner, and currently on his honeymoon. Time flies.
I still have both the rough pencil sketch and the original inks from this job:

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I’m usually good at recognizing caricatures, but I can’t tell who that guy on the TV screen is supposed to be. Peter Falk? Jack Palance? Yeah, I’m stumped.
Albert Finney