Monday MADness- Happy Birthday Al and Sam!
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It’s a MAD dual birthday today… in fact it happens on this day every year! Yes, today is the birthday of both legendary “MAD fold-In” creator Al Jaffee and longtime MAD artist and current MAD art director Sam Viviano. You see above Al accepting Sam’s award for picking such an excellent date for his birthday, and Al thinking how nice it is to know he could still crush Sam’s hand like a rotten egg despite having been born 32 years earlier. Al is 96 today, and still delivers his completed MAD assignments to the offices by hand, and they are still as sharp and witty as ever. Sam is 64, and continues to cause me to lose sleep with his ridiculous deadlines, and we all wish he was doing more drawing for the magazine.
Happy birthday, gentlemen!
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96 years young?! That’s amazing. Happy birthday to both gentlemen!