Monday MADness- Inside MAD!
Tomorrow is the official release of MAD‘s follow-up of last year’s big Totally MAD book, entitled Inside MAD. Bad timing, since it’s being released on a Tuesday and it would be much more convenient for me if they released it today on a Monday, so I could post the art I did for it as well as reveal my choice for my favorite all-time MAD article here on “Monday MADness”. I’ll have to talk with the MAD guys about that…
Anyway, in this new book they asked the Usual Gang of Idiots what their all-time favorite MAD article was, and then made us explain why. You’ll discover the favorite MAD pieces of Sergio Aragon?¬©s, Tom Bunk, Tim Carvell, Paul Coker, Jack Davis, Dick DeBartolo, Desmond Devlin, Mort Drucker, Mark Fredrickson, Drew Friedman, Frank Jacobs, Al Jaffee, Peter Kuper and a bunch more, including myself.
Also included in the book are essays by some big names in entertainment, talking about what MAD meant to them, including Roseanne Barr, Ken Burns, Dane Cook, Paul Feig, Whoopi Goldberg, Harry Hamlin, Tony Hawk, Ice-T, Penn Jillette, George Lopez, David Lynch, Todd McFarlane, Jeff Probst, John Slattery, John Stamos, Pendleton Ward and Matthew Weiner., with accompanying pieces from MAD that relate to the essay writers, like the parody of the “Roseanne” show, etc.
Sergio’s original piece “A Look at the Legendary MAD Offices” alone is worth the cover price. It is awesome.
So, come back tomorrow for the big reveal of the piece I did for the book, and my choice of favorite article.
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