Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness: MAD #15!
September 7th, 2020 | Posted in MAD Magazine

I realized the other day I never did my usual listing of contents for MAD #15. The issue has been out for a month already, but here you go:
- Cover (Isabel Samaras)
- Snappy Answers to Super-Stupid Questions (Kerry Callen)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- ECCCH-Men* (Dick Debartolo, Sam Viviano, Colors: Nathan Kane) MAD #327, May 1994
- With Great Power Comes Great Instability (Jon Adams)
- New Comic Book Superheroes Based on Real People* (Mike Snyder, Angelo Torres, Colors: Carrie Strachan) MAD #288, July 1989
- More Powerful than a Locomotive* (Sergio Aragonés) MAD #172, Jan 1975
- A “Comics” Scene We’d Like to See* (Don “Duck” Edwing, George Woodbridge, Colors: Nathan Kane) MAD #103, June 1966
- Everyday Pet Peeves of Transformers* (Jacob Lambert, Tom Bunk) MAD #480, Aug 2007
- How Does Captain America Stack Up Against other Legendary Captains?* (Artist: Herman Mejia) MAD #510, Aug 2011
- The Wisenheim Museum- Mort the Master (Tom Richmond)
- Teen Rage Moolah Nitwit Turtles II* (Dick Debartolo, Mort Drucker) MAD #306, Oct 1991
- The Shadow Knows (Sergio Aragonés)
- A MAD Look Behind the Scenes on the Set of The Hulk* (Dick Debartolo & Greg Leitman, Tom Richmond)
- Batboy and Rubin!* (Harvery Kurtzman, Wally Wood) MAD #8, Dec 1953
- Meanwhile (Ian Boothby, Pia Guerra)
- A MAD Look at Quarantine (Sergio Aragonés, Colors: Carrie Strachan)
- The Pros and Cons of Working at Home* (Teresa Burns Parkhurst) MAD #491, Jul 2008
- Real-Life Superheroes at Comic Book Conventions* (Al Jaffee) MAD #334, Mar 1995
- When Spider-Man Goes International (Again)* (Writer: David Shane, Pencils: Marcos Martin, Inks: Alvaro Lopez, Colors: Javier Rodriguez) MAD #448, Dec 2004
- Everyday Pet Peeves of Second-Rate Superheroes* John Caldwell) MAD #460, Dec 2005
- Your 2020 MAD Horoscope (Writer: Rebecca Bohanan)
- The MAD Fold-in (Johnny Sampson)
- Drawn Out Dramas (aka Marginals)** (Sergio Aragonés)
- Back Cover: Other Superhero Deaths* (Barry Liebmann, Angelo Torres)
* Denotes Reprinted Material either from previous issues or other MAD publications as noted
** Marginals that appear on new features are new, reprinted material features the marginals that appeared in the original printing.
I don’t think I will continue with this “Contents” feature after this issue, which is the last that will contain new material other than a new cover and a new “Fold-in”. Starting with #16, MAD will be almost exclusively reprinted content.
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Re: MAD #16 and beyond. In addition to Fold-Ins, I had heard (perhaps incorrectly) that Aragones’ A MAD Look At and Kuper’s Spy vs Spy would also continue with new material. I’m hoping we’ll see a Richmond cover in the future and if this is your last interior work, you certainly ended a great run on a high note with a fantastic Mort Drucker tribute!
Tom, according to the following webpage, Mad number 16 will feature some new features by Tom Bunk and Sergio. So there’s likely to be more new material than thought. Also Number 17 features the work of Sergio A. both old and new material. So I’m hopeful that Mad will continue with new material. Just perhaps no new TV or Movie satires. And, it’s unforyuinate that we won’t see any of Don Martin’s reprints or The lighter Side of.. Oh well. I thank you for your work, Mr. Richmond. You did a very nice job with the tribute to Mort Drucker. I’ve always loved his work.
Andreas Ulanowsky
I was told nothing would be new except the cover and Fold-In. No “A MAD Look at” or new SvS, except possibly for future special issues. For example, issue #17 is supposed to be a Sergio tribute issue, and Sergio is reportably doing some new material for that as well as the cover. Any other new material will be either “evergreen drawer” stuff (finished pieces bought and paid for previously but never published) and the occasional special feature.
Yes, this confirms that Aragones will do a new A MAD Look At in MAD #17:
Hello Tom. After the comment above I realized that, yes I fact, there are no Martin or Berg reprints. I thought MAD owned the rights to everything they publish. Actually leading to Martin’s departure. Do you know the story on this?
Is this first time a woman has drawn a MAD cover?
Technically, yes. Liz Lomax did the cover of MAD #443 back in 2004, but that was a sculpture, so not “drawn” so to speak. This is the second cover done by a female.
I believe this is the second cover. The first is #443, the clay cover done by Liz Lomax.