Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness: MAD for 15 years!
October 5th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
Fifteen years ago this month The Lovely Anna threw a party at our house to celebrate the release of MAD #399, which contained my very first published piece for the magazine. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since that issue hit the stands. Here are some stats and facts from my one and a half decades with MAD:
- #399 turned out to be the last fully black and white issue of MAD printed on the old paper stock. #400 was a special color anniversary issue, #401 and #402 contained color portions and were on the upgraded stock, and in #403 it was announced MAD was switching to full color.
- Current MAD Art Director Ryan Flanders started with MAD at virtually exactly the same time I did.
- My first TV parody: “Malcontent in the Muddle” in MAD #403, March 2001.
- My first movie parody: “Traff-ecch” in MAD #405, May 2001.
- MAD went quarterly as of issue #500, then switched to bi-monthly with issue #504
- Number of issues my work has appeared in (thru #536): 113
- Number of TV parodies I’ve drawn: 36
- Number of movie parodies I’ve drawn: 30
- Number of pages I’ve illustrated: 510
- Longest consecutive issue streak: 42 (495 to present)
- I’m still considered “The new guy”
I do work for a lot of clients but no question MAD is my favorite. It’s been a lot of fun working for them over the years. Here’s to another 15!!
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Congrats Tom!
According to the bottom of the contents pages, Mad announced quarterly in #500 and six times a year in #504.
Thanks, Doug… I knew someone would have that info for me!
Mazel Tov! That’s quite a bit of work, for a new guy!
Well deserved. Congrats!
Happy anniversary Tom! I honestly can’t imagine MAD without your incredible caricatures, attention to detail and terrific layouts. I look forward to seeing your work for many more years to come!
Way to go, Tom!