Monday MADness: MAD Sketch Covers!

April 1st, 2019 | Posted in Monday MADness

I had a lot of fun at Wondercon, but did not do many commissions this year. Here’s a smattering of the few sketch covers I did do.


  1. Steven says:

    What exactly is a commission in this context? Is it a fan asking you to draw a specific idea, then getting to keep the artwork for a fee? Thanks. (Great artwork, by the way.)

    • Tom Richmond says:

      I only do this sort of thing when I do comic-cons. The way it works is someone asks me to do a drawing with some specific theme, and then I come up with a gag or whatever for them. Prices are determined by what medium used (pencil, pens and grays, or pens and color) and the complexity of the request.


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