Monday MADness- MAD’s Poet Laureate Book!
Some years back MAD started a new line of hardcover books entitled “MAD‘s Greatest Artists”, which now has volumes for Sergio Aragonés, Dave Berg and Mort Drucker… no doubt with more on the way.
I was remiss in pointing out back in early May that the first of MAD‘s corresponding new “MAD‘s Greatest Writers” line of books is finally out and available for purchase. The first subject being the great Frank Jacobs. Frank is the most prolific MAD writer ever, with nearly 600 articles published in the magazine. He’s of course best known for his song parodies (“Sing to the Tune of…”), which makes the author of the book’s foreword, “Weird Al” Yankovic, so appropriate. There is also a terrific interview with Frank by long time MAD editor Nick Meglin, and some wonderful caricatures of Frank by Paul Coker. The rest of the book is filled with selections from Frank’s best work in MAD since his debut in 1957.
I had an opportunity to meet Frank way back when I first started with MAD, and he was a witty and charming guy. Sadly (for me, but lucky for him), I’ve never collaborated with him on a piece in MAD. Maybe someday.
So, do yourself a favor and go pick this one up. It’s a gem.
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