Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness! Malcolm in the Middle!
January 26th, 2015 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness is a look at my very first parody for MAD, “Malcontent in the Muddle” written by Desmond Devlin from MAD #403, March 2001. The color digital files from this piece is lost to posterity thanks to a lost CD-ROM and a computer crash in the late 2000’s that corrupted the original files. However, a UK based “Malcolm in the Middle” fan site has high resolution scans of the entire parody online, so here’s a look at those pages (clicky any to embiggen):
I was told that Frankie Muniz did not like his caricatures in this piece. Just hearsay, though. Many thanks to Adam Cooke for the link to the scans!
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