Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness: Mike and Molly!
January 23rd, 2017 | Posted in Monday MADness
This week’s Monday MADness is a look at the pencil roughs of the Arnie Kogen penned parody of the TV show “Mike and Molly” from MAD #514, April 2012 (clicky any to embiggen):
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Hi, Tom. Do you ink these pencil roughs and then erase or start fresh on a new printout from MAD? Great artwork!
These roughs are just that… roughs. They are for sending to MAD to get the approval of the editors and art directors. I enlarge them, transfer them over to bristol boards using a light table, then either redraw them much tighter on the boards before inking or, if they are already pretty tight, just ink them on the light table.
I know you sell the finished inked pages; do you sell pencil roughs, too?
Sometimes. Not too often.
Hey Tom. Great sketching. How do you get the viewer not to get lost in your crowd scenes? For instance, the one in the opening panel. When I look at it, I first look at the main characters, and afterward my eye settles on the two characters on the bottom right. Any tips?