Richmond Illustration Inc.
Monday MADness- On the Stands: MAD #524
October 21st, 2013 | Posted in MAD Magazine
In comic book shops, on the iPad and in subscribers mailboxes now, on news stands everywhere tomorrow:
MAD # 524 (December 2013)
- Cover (Mark Fredrickson)
- The Fundalini Pages (Kenny Keil, Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer, Matt Lassen, Jay Ruttenberg, Tim Haggerty, Jeff Kruse, Sergio Aragon?©s and Tom Luth, Rich Powell, Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Desmond Devlin, Anton Emdin, Alison Grambs, Dick DeBartolo, Ward Sutton, Maria Scrivan, Bob Eckstein, Rick Tulka, J.C. Duffy, Kevin Pope)
- Salinger: A Fundalini Movie Review (Desmond Devlin (2nd article))
- Man of Veal (A MAD Movie Satire) (Desmond Devlin (again??), Tom Richmond)
- Unadvertised Fast Food “Secret Menu” Offerings (Scott Maiko, Mike Loew)
- Zingers that History Forgot (Frank Jacobs, Rick Geary)
- A Duck Dynasty Closing Prayer We’d Like to See (Desmond Devlin (are you kidding me?!?), Tom Bunk)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- 2014 Dave Berg Calendar (uhhhhh…. Dave Berg)
- A MAD Look at Ethnic Restaurants (Sergio Aragon?©s, Colorist: Jim Campbell)
- Planet TAD!!!!! (Tim Carvell, Brian Durniak)
- Worst-Selling Holiday Catalog Items  (Jeff Kruse, Scott Bricher)
- The Strip Club (Kenny Keil, Nathan Cooper, Josh Mecouch, Christopher Baldwin, Jason Yungbluth, Noah Van Scriver, Phil McAndrew)
- MAD’s All-Inclusive, Do-It-Yourself ObamaCare News Story (Frank Jacobs, Paul Coker)
- The Humda Seppuku (a MAD Ad Parody) (Jeff Kruse, Mike Coulas)
- “Inside MAD” Sneak Peek (Tom Cheney, Frank Jacobs, James Warhola, Mark Fredrickson)
- The Best of The Idiotical (various)
- Another Ridiculous MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
- Drawn Out Dramas (Sergio Aragon?©s, appear throughout the issue)
Desmond Devlin approach’s Jeff Kruse territory for volume work in a single issue in MAD #524. Nice cover by Mark… I have a “Duck Dynasty” story of my own that I will share soon… but in the meantime expect a sneak peek of my art from Desmond’s “Man of Veal” parody tomorrow.
Well . . . What are you waiting for, clod?!? Go out and buy a fershlugginer copy already!
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Significant milestone with this issue: John Ficarra appears in the MAD masthead for the 300th issue (as Associate Editor, Editor, and now VP & Executive Editor)!
Also, Brian Durniak was given an artist credit for Planet Tad that does not appear in the appear contents listing.
Thanks, Mike! Fixed that.