Monday MADness: Pixar!

With today’s announcement that Des and I will be doing a parody of Toy Story 4 for CLAPTRAP, here’s a look at some of the Pixar-related pieces I did for MAD. While MAD never did an actual full parody of any Pixar films, they did do a number of related features, some of which I did the art on. One was “Toyota Story” that Des wrote, from MAD #504. It makes fun of Toyota’s “Accelerategate” scandal from 2009. Here are the story pages:

Another Pixar piece I did was a take on their “Cars” films entitled “Rejected Cars Characters” from MAD #467, written by Jacob Lambert. Sorry, I don’t have versions with text on them:

Then in MAD #2, I did the art on a “mini-parody” of The Incredibles 2 as part of a feature called “Zander and Kam’s Sneaky Previews” written by Ian Boothby. The is first panel was on page one, followed by a full page from that movie:

I think that’s it for what I did art for in MAD related to Pixar movies. They did a few other things, including a Cars cover. Our Toy Story 4 spoof will be the first full Pixar movie parody.
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I read Buzz Lightyear’s dialogue in Tim Allen’s voice.